Incarnate a living outer-space parasite which can only survive by absorbing emitted light.

Story :

While you hibernate inside an asteroïd, it crashed on an alien planet. The aliens discovered this new kind of entity (still hibernating though) and decided to bring it inside their ship to present it to their government council. However this new climate wakes you up in a warehouse and you need to survive as you just activated yourself. Living from transforming photons into inner energy, you find yourself in a world of darkness. Survive ! Fight ! And find the light !

Gameplay :

The player controls a blob and moves it inside a 3D environment through dashes. It emits a certain amount of light according to its current accumulated energy. The more the player waits before absorbing light, the more it will become difficult to finish the level as the entity gets dimmer and dimmer. No more energy means loss and the player must restart the level.

The levels are designed to be dark, with only few lit elements. Choose your color at the beginning of the game and then look for a blueish pentagonal portal inside each level to complete it.

Controls :
     Keyboard/mouse :
         Mouse movement to rotate the camera

         Left click to dash

         Escape to pause

     Pad :
         Left stick to rotate the camera

         A to dash

         Start to pause

Video :

Credits :

Gameplay: asterius, beta-ray25, cutman2593, TheCubeOfFire
Music: beta-ray25,


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